Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Are you Humble? I always want my Children to be. I want them to be helpful too. I have been pondering this a lot today and yesterday. My Children and I worked on baking a bunch of cakes to serve to the Homeless shelter last night. My four year old tagged along to help serve. She was wonderful! I was extremely proud of her at how sweet she was. I explained to her that day what we would be doing and that there were people in our community who weren't able to get food at the grocery store like we could. They didn't have a house to live in and no money to buy anything. I explained that when we cook for them we have to pray over the food that God might help these people have a home and all the things that we sometimes take for granted. She was very sensitive on the subject and said she wanted them to have food in there belly like her. As you Fast this Lenten Season and give up something special to you, remember why you do this. Remember that you want to lift up this food to God that he might give it to a needy person who needs it worse than you.

Thank You Jesus for Dying on the cross so that we may have the things we have! Amem!

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