Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mcruffy Math Review

Mcruffy Math Kindergarten Review

We are now halfway through Kindergarten Math using Mcruffy Press. I have to say I am extremely impressed with it!!! For the Whole Curriculum including Manipulative's we payed $66.95 for it. The Price was reasonable so I said hey! we will give it a try. So glad we did!

It started out pretty easy for my Daughter learning numbers 1-10, shapes, etc. She already knew this so we went quick through those lessons. We are currently on lesson 43 and have started learning counting by tens, easy addition, Equal/less than/more than, ETC. Each Lesson takes us about 20 minutes which is perfect for a beginner learner. She loves to do her math work because they make it in a fun way. There are Lot's of games involved in this curriculum which makes my Daughter Ask to do it. There is a ton of Parent involvement in it and not so much independent work. I am a fan of Parent Involvement though so I love being able to sit down with her and help her through it all.

I definitely will most likely be doing Mcruffy 1st grade math when we are finished because of the ease of use! I recommend this Curriculum to all my friends!!

If you are interested the website is: Check it out!!!

Linking up to Helpful Home school Hints!


  1. I will check into this. I've been having a hard time finding something for my 6yo. Thanks for the review.

  2. It is great to find a curriculum that fits!

    It is fun to meet (so to speak) another "start young" mom. I am grandma now, but I had 3 girls in less than 3 years, so I was mom to 3 girls by the time I was 23 too! I always got the craziest comments from people.

    You have a beautiful family!!
